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         In October of 2018, Grey Rolland Scout Executive asked if I would be interested in working in Syracuse, NY. As a native Central New Yorker I jumped at the chance to come back upstate. I accepted the position of Assistant Scout Executive and got to work building a strong team for the Council. The first task was to successfully merge two district, using the skills learned when I was a brand new District Executive, I helped build a super strong district from two, one of which was completely dysfunctional. I worked to build a strong membership team in our first year we come up short by only 19 scouts in 2019. I also was part of a strong team that worked on the largest SCOUT POWER (name change from BOY POWER) event to date. 2019, was good year and I saw great things for our future. Than 2020, happened. 

          As we all know 2020, was a once in 100 years event and I am proud to say we rose to the challenge. As many thing were cancelled, we were still able to hold many events in different ways to keep Scouts, Leaders, and parents safe and engaged. During Covid we merged the rest of the Districts in the Council in to a total of three Districts, developed plans to revamp the Sabattis Scout Reservation to increase attendance, realigned the Council recharter process, and built a stronger volunteer base. 

          At the end of 2022, we had an increase in membership for the first time in the past 10 years and it was as I like to refer to as right sized as we ended with more Cub Scout than Scouts BSA. With Grey's guidance I have learned more about the budget process and the importance of cash flow. I have truly enjoyed my time at Longhouse Council and look forward to what may come. 

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